Contact & Pricing

Call TLC

(503) 509-2533


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Meet at our office, by appointment, at 1872 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon 97401


$2,000 Trust Centered Estate Plan for One Adult
$3,000 Trust Centered Estate Plan for Two Adults


TLC offers a general consultation for $300, in the absence of a flat rate special estate planning package.

Attorney Andy Turner’s hourly billing rate in absence of a flat rate special is $300. You can reduce time and costs by supplying TLC with documents as requested by your attorney and completely answering questionnaires.

Business Operating Agreements

TLC offers a flat rate of $1,200 to create, amend, or restate business operating agreements.

Trust Centered Estate Plan for One

TLC offers a flat rate of $2,000* for a Trust centered estate plan (general consultation cost included) that includes a Revocable Living Trust; Deed retitling for one property, Trust Certificate; Oregon Pour-Over Will; Oregon Advanced Health Care Directive, HIPPA Release Authorization, Oregon Disposition of Remains; General Durable Power of Attorney, and ancillary documents.

Trust Centered Estate Plan for Two

TLC offers a flat rate of $3,000* for a joint Trust centered estate plan (general consultation cost included) that includes the Revocable Living Trust; Trust Certificate; Deed retitling for one property; Pour-Over Wills for each partner; Oregon Advanced Health Care Directives for each partner, HIPPA Release Authorizations for each partner, Oregon Disposition of Remains, General Durable Power of Attorneys for each partner, and ancillary documents.

Deeds á la carte

Deed retitling for a flat rate of $500

*Additional fees for retitling additional deeds, travel time and client requests not included in the flat rate specials.

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